The Senate of Akwa Ibom State University had, on its 40th meeting, held on July 26, 2017, approved the appointment of Professor Jarlarth U. Umoh as the Pioneer Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies. Senate also approved the constitution of the Board of School of Postgraduate Studies with the following membership:
  • Dean School of Postgraduate Studies - Chairman
  • University Librarian - Member
  • Deans of Faculties - Members
  • Director, Academic Planning - Member
  • Chairman, University Board of Research - Member
  • Faculty Postgraduate Coordinators ? to be appointed by the different Faculties - Members
  • A member of administrative staff appointed by the Registrar - Secretary

To promote high quality postgraduate education that will create new knowledge boundaries and impact positively on national development and global competitiveness.

To facilitate best practices in postgraduate teaching and learning by offering internationally conducive environment for development of original thinking, creative attitudes, high quality basic and applied research and spirit of innovation through well-structured academic programmes.

The philosophy of Akwa Ibom State University School of Postgraduate Studies is to provide an environment that enhances creative thinking, hard work, high quality research and innovation, thus promoting the visibility of Akwa Ibom State University as a reputable centre of learning in Nigeria and beyond.

As contained in Statute 9 of the University Law, the mandate of the School of Postgraduate Studies is to coordinate and regulate all postgraduate teaching and research in the University.

The main objective of the School of Postgraduate Studies is to provide a conducive environment for teaching and learning, basic and applied research, creativity and innovation and thus improve the ranking of Akwa Ibom State University. It shall:
  • Advertise and admit students for postgraduate studies following the recommendation from the faculties.
  • Plan, coordinate and administer all postgraduate programmes of the University.
  • Regulate the quality of postgraduate teaching and research in the University through monitoring the progress of work by the students, the level of supervision by staff and all postgraduate examinations (course work and oral project/dissertation/thesis defense).
  • Promote publication of research findings and creative works and facilitate patenting of research breakthroughs.
  • Formulate guidelines and regulations on postgraduate studies.
  • Work out innovative ways which will attract and ensure the success of PG students.
  • Organize workshops and seminars on writing of research proposals and papers for publication.

  • To design and implement high quality postgraduate programmes and strategies for a steady growth of the programmes such that by 2025 postgraduate students will form 20% of the total student population and more than 50% of the postgraduate research projects will be published in reputable international journals.
  • To provide well-structured programmes and high quality supervision that will enable the students to graduate within the time stipulated for each programme.

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