Profile Information

Okorie Uduakobong Sunday
Lecturer II
Basic Information
- Okorie Uduakobong Sunday
- +234 (0) 7081545195, +234 (0) 8098334334
- Lecturer II
- Physics
- Academic Staff
Dr. Okorie is a seasoned and experienced theoretical physicist with a high zeal geared towards proffering solutions to physical problems in his areas of research. He engages in high quality research and also publishes his research outputs in high impact factored journals, that are abstracted in Scopus. He has been recognized by Elsevier SciVal author's ranking in Nigeria.
Dr. Okorie is a seasoned and experienced theoretical physicist with a high zeal geared towards proffering solutions to physical problems in his areas of research. He engages in high quality research and also publishes his research outputs in high impact factored journals, that are abstracted in Scopus. He has been recognized by Elsevier SciVal author's ranking in Nigeria.
Job Title and Responsibilities
- Lecturer and Researcher
- Carry out teaching and supervision at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
- Provide mentorship to students and engage in research collaboration with colleagues.
- Engages in scholarly researches and also publish the research outputs in highly rated journals, locally and internationally.
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D. Theoretical Physics (University of Port Harcourt, 2021).
- M.Sc. Theoretical Solid State Electronics (University of Port Harcourt, 2015).
- B.Sc. Physics (University of Uyo, 2007).
Professional Membership and Activities
- Nigerian Institute of Physics (NIP).
- Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics (NAMP).
- Physics Writer's Series Creation (PWSC).
Areas of Expertise
- Quantum Physics
- Mathematical Physics
- Computational Physics
- Chemical Physics
- Quantum Information Theory
Research Interest Areas
- Modelling of potential energy functions and their applications to thermodynamic functions with different diatomic systems.
- Superstatistics studies of potential functions in relativistic and nonrelativistic regimes.
- Quantum information studies within the influence of magnetic and AB fields.
Review Appointments
- Appointed as a reviewer by Journal of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences (Nigeria), 2022.
- Appointed as a reviewer by Heliyon, Elsevier (USA), 2021.
- Appointed as a reviewer by Physica Scripta, IOP Science (UK), 2021.
- Appointed as a reviewer by Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Science (Indonesia), 2021.
- Appointed as a reviewer by Scientific Reports (UK), 2020.
- Appointed as a reviewer by Molecular Physics, Taylor and Francis (UK), 2020.
- Appointed as a reviewer by Acta Geophysica (Switzerland), 2020.
Contact Details
Phone Numbers: +234 (0) 7081545195, +234 (0) 8098334334
Postal Address: Department of Physics, Akwa Ibom State University, P. M. B. 1167, Uyo. Akwa Ibom State. Nigeria.
Phone Numbers: +234 (0) 7081545195, +234 (0) 8098334334
Postal Address: Department of Physics, Akwa Ibom State University, P. M. B. 1167, Uyo. Akwa Ibom State. Nigeria.
Research Area
1. Quantum Physics
2. Mathematical Physics
3. Computational Physics
4. Chemical Physics
5. Quantum Information Theory
6. Statistical Physics
6. Statistical Physics
- Okon, I. B., Onate, C. A., Omugbe, E., Okorie, U. S., Antia. A., Onyeaju, M. C., Wen-Li, C. and Araujo, J. (2022). Approximate Solutions, Thermal Properties and Superstatistics Solutions to Schrodinger Equation. Advances in High Energy Physics (Hindawi). 5178248, (18 pages).
- Edet, C. O., Ikot, A. N., Okorie, U. S., Ramantswana, M., Rampho, G. J., Horchani, R., Abdullah, H. Y., Zahran, H. Y., Obagboye, L. F., abdel-aty, A. H. and Kaya, S. (2022). Eigenfunctions, Uncertainties and Thermal Properties of Diatomic Molecules under Screened Modified Kratzer Potential. Indian Journal of Physics. - Okon. I. B., Onate, C. A., Omugbe, E., Okorie, U. S., Edet, C. O., Antia, A. D.,Araujo, J. P., Isonguyo, C. N., Onyeaju, M. C., William, E. S, Horchani, R. and Ikot, A. N. (2022). Aharonov-Bohm (AB) Flux and Thermomagnetic Properties of Hellmann plus Screened Kratzer Potential as applied to Diatomic Molecules using Nikiforov-Uvarov-Functional Analysis (NUFA) method. Molecular Physics,e2046295. - Okorie, U. S., Ikot, A. N., Onate, C. A., Onyeaju, M. C. and Rampho, G. J. (2021). Bound and Scattering States Solutions of the Klein-Gordon Equation with the Attractive Radial Potential in Higher Dimensions. Modern Physics Letter A, 36 (32), 2150320.
- Ikot, A. N., Okorie, U. S., Rampho, G. J., Edet, C. O., Horchani, R., Abdel-Aty, A.,Alshehri, N. A. and Elagan, S. K. (2021). Bound and Scattering States Solutions of the Klein-Gordon Equation with Deng-Fan Potential in Higher Dimensions. Few-Body Systems. 62, 101. - Robert, U. W., Etuk, S. E., Ogbasi, O. E., Okorie, U. S., Abdulrazzaq, Z. T., Anonaba, A. U. and Ojo, O. T. (2021). On the Hygrothermal Properties of Sandcrete Blocks produced with Sawdust as Partial Replacement of Sand. Journal of the Mechanical Behaviour of Materials. 30, 144-155. - Nwabuzor, P., Edet. C. O., Ikot, A. N., Okorie, U. S., Ramantswana, M., Horchani, R., Abdel-Aty, A. H. and Rampho, G. J. (2021). Analyzing the Effect of Topological Defect (TD) on the Energy Spectra and Thermal Properties of LiH, TiC and I2 Diatomic Molecules. Entropy. 23, 1060.
- Obu, J. A., Okoi, P. O., Okorie, U. S. and Ikot, A. N. (2021). Spin and pseudospin symmetries of the Dirac equation for the generalized Morse potential and a class of Yukawa potential. Pramana Journal of Physics. 95, 126. - Edet, C. O., Ikot, A. N., Okorie, U. S., Rampho, G. J., Ramantswana, M., Horchani, R., Abdullah, H., Vinasco, J. A., Duque, C. A. and Abdel-Aty, A. (2021). Persistent Current, Magnetic Susceptibility and Thermal Properties for a class of Yukawa Potential in the presence of External Magnetic and Aharanov-Bohm Fields. International Journal of ThermoPhysics. 42, 138. - Osobonye, G. T., Adekanmbi, M., Ikot, A. N., Okorie, U. S. and Rampho, G. J. (2021). Thermal Properties of Anharmonic Eckart Potential model using Euler MacLaurin Formula. Pramana- Journal of Physics. 95, 98. - Robert, U. W., Etuk, S. E., Ogbasi, O. E. and Okorie, U. S. (2021). Quick Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Thermal Insulators using a modified Lee-Chalton?s Disc Apparatus Technique. International Journal of ThermoPhysics. 42, 113. - Okorie, U. S., Ikot, A. N., Rampho, G. J., Onyeaju, M. C., Ibezim-Ezeani, M. U., Abdel-Aty, A. Ramantswana, M. (2021). Bound and Scattering states of the Klein-Gordon equation for Shifted Tietz-Wei Potential with Application to Diatomic Molecules. Molecular Physics. e1922773. - Ikot, A. N., Edet, C. O., Okorie, U. S., Abdel-Aty, A., Ramantswana, M., Rampho,G. J., Alshehri, N. A., Elagan, S. K. and Kaya, S. (2021). Solutions of the 2D Schrodinger Equation and its Thermal Properties for Improved Ultra-Generalized Exponential Hyperbolic potential (IUGE-HP). The European Physical Journal Plus. 136, 434. - Ikot, A. N., Okorie, U. S., Rampho, G. J. and Abdullah, H. Y. (2021). Approximate Energy Spectra and Statistical Mechanical Functions of some Diatomic Molecular Hydrides. Canadian Journal of Physics. 99, 253-258. - Okorie, U. S., Tas, A., Ikot, A. N., Osobonye, G. T. and Rampho, G. J. (2021).Bound States and Scattering Phase Shift of Relativistic spinless Particles with Screened Kratzer Potential. Indian Jornal of Physics. - Edet, C. O., Ikot, A. N., Onyeaju, M. C., Okorie, U. S., Rampho, G. J., Lekala, M. L. and Kaya, S. (2021). Thermo-Magnetic properties of the Screened Kratzer Potential with Spatially Varying Mass under the influence of Aharanov-Bohm (AB) and Position-Dependent magnetics Fields. Physica E, Low Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 131, 114710. - Okorie, U. S., Edet, C. O., Ikot, A. N., Rampho, G. J., and Sever, R. (2021). Thermodynamic Functions for Diatomic Molecules with Modified Kratzer plus Screened Coulomb Potential. Indian Journal of Physics. 95 (3), 411 - 421. - Ikot, A. N., Okorie, U. S., Amadi, P. O., Edet, C. O., Rampho, G. J. and Sever, R.(2021). The Nikiforov-Uvarov-Functional Analysis (NUFA) Method: A New approach for Solving Exponential-type Potentials. Few-Body Systems. 62, 9. - Osobonye, G. T., Okorie, U. S., Amadi, P. O. and Ikot, A. N. (2021). StatisticalAnalysis and Information Theory of Screened Kratzer-Hellmann Potential Model. Canadian Journal of Physics. - Okorie, U. S., Ikot, A. N., Edet, C. O., Rampho, G. J., Horchani, R. and Jelassi, H. (2021). Bound and Scattering State Solutions of the Klein-Gordon Equation with Generalized Mobius Square Potential in D-Dimensions. European Physical Journal D, 75, 53. - Okorie, U. S., Ikot, A. N., Rampho, G. J. Amadi, P. O. and Abdullah, H. Y. (2021). Analytical Solutions of Fractional Schrodinger Equation and Thermal Properties of Morse Potential for some Diatomic Molecules. Modern Physics Letter A, 36 (7), 2150041. - Horchani, R., Al-Aamri, H., Al-Kindi, N., Ikot, A. N., Okorie, U. S., Rampho, G. J.and Jelassi, H. (2021). Energy Spectra and Magnetic Properties of Diatomic Molecules in the presence of Magnetic and AB Fields with the Inversely Quadratic Yukawa Potential. European Physical Journal D, 75, 36. - Ibekwe, E. E., Okorie, U. S., Emah, J. B., Inyang, E. P. and Ekong, S. A. (2021).Mass Spectrum of Heavy Quarkonium for Screened Kratzer Potential (SKP) using Series Expansion Method. European Physical Journal Plus, 136, 87. - Ikot, A. N., Okorie, U. S., Rampho, G. J., Amadi, P. O., Edet, C. O., Akpan, I. O., Abdullah, H. Y. and Horchani, R. (2021). Klein-Gordon Equation and Nonrelativistic Thermodynamic Properties with Improved Screened Kratzer Potential. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 202, 269-289. - Ikot, A. N., Okorie, U. S., Rampho, G. J. and Amadi, P. O. (2021). Approximate Analytical Solutions of the Klein-Gordon Equation with Generalized Morse Potential. International Journal of Thermophysics. 42 (10), 1-14. - Rampho, G. J., Ikot, A. N., Edet, C. O. and Okorie, U. S. (2021). Energy Spectra and Thermal Properties of Diatomic Molecules in the presence of Magnetic and AB Fields with Improved Kratzer Potential. Molecular Physics. 19 (5), e1821922. - Edet, C. O., Amadi, P. O., Onyeaju, M. C., Okorie, U. S., Sever, R., Rampho, G. J., Abdullah, H. Y., Salih, I. H. and Ikot, A. N. (2021). Thermal Properties and Magnetic Susceptibility of Hellmann Potential in Aharonov-Bohm (AB) Flux and Magnetic Fields at Zero and Finite Temperatures. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 202, 83, 105. - Horchani, R., Jelassi, H., Ikot, A. N. and Okorie, U. S. (2020). Rotation Vibration Spectrum of Potassium molecules via the Improved Generalized Poschl-Teller Oscillator. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 121 (7), e26558. - Amadi, P. O., Ikot, A. N., Rampho, G. J., Okorie, U. S., Abdullah, H. Y. and Lutfuoglu, B. C. (2020). Information Entropies for H2 and ScF diatomic molecules with Deng-Fan-Eckart Potential. Revista Mexicana de Fisica. 66 (6), 742-748. - Edet, C. O., Amadi, P. O., Okorie, U. S., Tas, A., Ikot, A. N. and Rampho, G. J.(2020). Solutions of Schrodinger Equation and Thermal Properties of Generalized Trigonometric Poschl-Teller Potential. Revista Mexicana de Fisica. 66 (6), 824-839. - Okorie, U. S., Ikot, A. N., Amadi, P. O., Ngiangia, A. T. and Ibekwe, E. E. (2020). Approximate Solutions of the Schrodinger Equation with Energy-Dependent Screened Coulomb Potential in D-Dimensions. Ecletica Quimica Journal. 45 (4), 40-56. - Iboh, U. A., Robert, U. W., Umoren, G. P. and Okorie, U. S. (2020). The Effect of Frequency Variation on Dielectric Constant of Raphia Hookeri. Journal of Renewable Energy and Mechanics (REM). 03 (02), 53-58. - Okorie, U. S., Ikot, A. N., Ibezim-Ezeani, M. U. and Abdullah, H. Y. (2020). Diatomic Molecules Energy Spectra for the Generalized Mobius Square Potential Model. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 34 (21), 2050209. - Ikot, A. N., Rampho, G. J., Amadi, P. O., Okorie, U. S., Sithole, M. J. and Lekala, M. L. (2020). Theoretic Quantum Information Entropies for the Generalized Hyperbolic Potential. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 120 (24), e26410. - Okorie, U. S., Ikot, A. N., and Chukwuocha, E. O. (2020). The Improved Deformed Exponential-type Potential Energy Model for N2, NI, ScI and RbH Diatomic Molecules. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society. 41 (6), 609-614. - Ibekwe, E. E., Ngiangia, A. T., Okorie, U. S., Ikot, A. N., and Abdullah, H. Y. (2020). Bound State Solution of Radial Schrodinger Equation for the Quark-Antiquark Interaction Potential. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A: Science. - Ikot, A. N., Edet, C. O., Amadi, P. O., Okorie, U. S., Rampho, G. J., and Abdullah, H. Y. (2020). Thermodynamic Properties of Aharanov-Bohm (AB) and Magnetic Fields with Screened Kratzer Potential. European Physical Journal D, 74, 159. - Okorie, U. S., Ikot, A. N., and Chukwuocha, E. O. (2020). Approximate Energy Spectra of Improved Generalized Mobius Square Potential (IGMSP) for some Diatomic Hydride Molecules. Journal of Molecular Modeling, 26, 195. - Ikot, A. N., Rampho, G. J., Amadi, P. O., Okorie, U. S., Sithole, M. J., and Lekala, M. I. (2020). Quantum Information-Entropic Measures for Exponential-Type Potential. Results in Physics, 18, 103150. - Ikot, A.N., Rampho, G. J., Amadi, P. O., Sithole, M. J., Okorie, U. S., and Lekala,
M. I. (2020). Shannon Entropy and Fisher Information-Theoretic Measures for Mobius Square Potential. European Physical Journal Plus, 135, 503. - Okorie, U. S., Ikot, A. N., Chukwuocha, E. O., Onyeaju, M. C., Amadi, P. O.,
Sithole, M. J., and Rampho, G. J. (2020). Energies spectra and thermodynamic properties of hyperbolic Poschl-Teller potential (HPTP) model.
International Journal of Thermophysics, 41, 91. - Amadi, P. O., Ikot, A. N., Ngiangia, A. T., Okorie, U. S., Rampho, G. J., and Abdullah, H. Y. (2020). Shannon entropy and Fisher information for screened
Kratzer potential. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 120 (14), e26246. - Ikot, A. N., Okorie, U. S., Osobonye, G., Amadi, P. O., Edet, C. O., Sithole, M. J.,
Rampho, G. J., and Sever, R. (2020). Superstatistics of Schrodinger equation
with pseudo-harmonic potential in external magnetic and Aharanov-Bohm
fields. Heliyon, 6, e03738. - Okorie, U. S., Ikot, A. N., Chukwuocha, E. O., and Rampho, G. J. (2020).
Thermodynamic properties of improved deformed exponential-type potential
(IDEP) for some diatomic molecules. Results in Physics, 17, 103078. - Okorie, U. S., Robert, U. W., Iboh, U. A., and Umoren, G. P. (2020). Assessment
of the suitability of tiger nut fibre for structural applications. Journal of Renewable Energy and mechanics, 03(1), 32-38. - Edet, C. O., Okorie, U. S., Osobonye, G., Ikot, A. N., Rampho, G. J., and Sever, R.
(2020). Thermal properties of Deng-Fan-Eckart potential model using Poisson
summation approach. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 58, 989-1013. - Onate, C. A., Onyeaju, M. C., Okorie, U. S., and Ikot, A. N. (2020). Thermodynamic functions for boron nitride with q-deformed exponential-type potential. Results in Physics, 16, 102959. - Ikot, A. N., Okorie, U. S., Ngiangia, A. T., Onate, C. A., Edet, C. O., Akpan, I. O.,
and Amadi, P. O. (2020). Bound state solutions of the Schrodinger equation
with energy-dependent molecular Kratzer potential via asymptotic iteration
method. Ecletica Quimica Journal, 45 (1), 65-76. - Edet, C. O., Okorie, U. S., Ngiangia, A. T., and Ikot, A. N. (2020). Bound state
solutions of the Schrodinger equation for the modified Kratzer potential plus
screened Coulomb potential. Indian Journal of Physics, 94 (4), 425-433. - Obu, J. A., Okoi, P. O., and Okorie, U. S. (2019). Relativistic and nonrelativistic
treatment of Hulthen-Krtazer potential model in D-dimensions. Indian Journal
of Physics. - Okorie, U. S., Ikot, A. N., and Chukwuocha, E. O. (2019). The statistical properties
of the Varshni potential model using modified factorization method. Scientia
Africana, 18 (3), 47-60. - Okorie, U. S., Ikot, A. N., Edet, C. O., Akpan, I. O., Sever, R., and Rampho, G. J.
(2019). Solutions of the Klein Gordon equation with generalized hyperbolic
potential in D-dimensions. Journal of Physics Communications, 3, 095015. - Okorie, U. S., Ikot, A. N., Rampho, G. J., and Sever, R. (2019). Superstatistics of
modified Rosen-Morse potential with Dirac delta and Uniform distributions.
Communication in Theoretical Physics, 71, 1246-1252. 10.1088/0253-6102/71/10/1246 - Ikot, A. N., Okorie, U. S., Sever, R., and Rampho, G. J. (2019). Eigensolution,
expectation values and thermodynamic properties of the screened Kratzer
potential. European Physical Journal Plus, 134, 386. - Ates, Y. B., Okorie, U. S., Ikot, A. N., and Olgar, E. (2019). Analytical solution of
the Schrodinger equation for isotropic velocity-dependent potentials. Physica
Scripta, 94, 115705 (8 pp). - Udoh, M. E., Okorie, U. S., Ngwueke, M. I., Ituen, E. E., and Ikot, A. N. (2019).
Rotation-Vibrational energies for some diatomic molecules with improved
Rosen-Morse potential in D-dimensions. Journal of Molecular Modeling, 25, 170. - Lutfuoglu, B. C., Ikot, A. N., Okorie, U. S., and Ngiangia, A. T. (2019). A statistical
mechanical analysis on the bound state solution of an energy-dependent
deformed Hulthen potential energy. Communication in Theoretical Physics,
71, 1127-1138. - Ikot, A. N., Okorie, U. S., Onate, C. A., and Hassanabadi, H. (2019). q ? deformed
Superstatistics thermodynamics in the presence of minimal length quantum
mechanics. Canadian Journal of Physics, 97, 1161-1166. - Ikot, A. N., Azozor, W., Okorie, U. S., Bazuaye, F. E., Onyeaju, M. C., Onate, C. A., and Chukwuocha, E. O. (2019). Exact and Poisson Summation thermodynamic properties for diatomic molecules with shifted Tietz potential. Indian Journal of Physics, 93 (9), 1171-1179. - Okorie, U. S., Ibekwe, E. E., Ikot, A. N., Onyeaju, M. C., and Chukwuocha, E. O.
(2018). Thermodynamic properties of the modified Yukawa potential. Journal
of Korean Physical Society, 73 (9), 1211-1218. - Okorie, U. S., Ibekwe, E. E., Onyeaju, M. C., and Ikot, A. N. (2018). Solutions of
the Dirac and Schrodinger equations with shifted Tietz-Wei potential. European Physical Journal Plus, 133 (10), 433. - Okorie, U. S., Ikot, A. N., Onyeaju, M. C., and Chukwuocha, E. O. (2018). Bound
state solutions of Schrodinger equation with modified Mobius square potential
(MMSP) and its thermodynamic properties. Journal of Molecular Modeling,
24, 289. - Okorie, U. S., Ikot, A. N., Onyeaju, M. C., and Chukwuocha, E. O. (2018). A study
of thermodynamic properties of quadratic exponential-type potential in D-dimensions. Revista Mexicana de Fisica, 64, 608-614. - Okorie, U. S. and Iboh, U. A. (2018). The influence of Quantum Dot size on
Confinement Energy: A Modified Single Band Toy Model Approach. International Journal of Modern Physics and Application, 5 (1), 1-5. - Okorie, U. S. (2017). Effects of Confinement Energies of Lead Sulphide and
Indium Phosphide Quantum Dots within Brus Equation model. AASCIT Journal of Physics, 3 (4), 28-35. - Okorie, U. S., Onyeaju, M. C. and Chad-Umoren, Y. (2017). Effects of Quantum
Dot Size on Frequency of Confinement Potential. Scientia Africana, 16 (1), 221-230.