Babalola Rasheed
Senior Lecturer
Basic Information
- Babalola Rasheed
- 08031592001
- rasheedbabalola@aksu.edu.ng
- Senior Lecturer
- Chemical/Petrochemical Engineering
- Academic Staff
Engr. Dr. Abdulrasheed BABALOLA, FNSE is an accomplished Chemical Engineer with a well-developed background in the Oil and Gas Industry. Extensive experience in Refinery and Pipeline Operations as well as in Paints and Chemical production, Equipment Fabrication, Process Analysis and Enhancement with a proven ability to combine technical knowledge and understanding with a strong commercial awareness. Also, a Personate trained Teacher with wealth of experience. Engr Abdulrasheed Babalola holds a Doctorate degree in the field of Chemical Engineering. He is a Senior Lecturer and Head of Department of Chemical/Petrochemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Akwa Ibom State University, Ikot Akpaden. He has worked with Oil and Gas Industries in various capacities at NNPC/PPMC as well as in paint and Chemical industry. He is the Chairman of RABAB Nig. Limited, a paint production and consulting firm, also Managing Director of Tecnik Specialist Services and Consultancy limited. He is currently a Dr Babalola is also a visiting scholar with the Federal University of Uyo. His area of research is Reaction Engineering Kinetics, Nanotechnology, Catalysis and Petroleum. He is an expert in Zeolite development with patent in zeolite Y. Professionally, he has attended a number of trainings and workshops. He has (at several times) been a member of many NSChE Council committee such as: Solid Mineral Development for:2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020,2021; Membership committee,2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021; Education Committee, 2020 and 2021. Dr. Babalola has represented Chemical Engineers at the Council of NSE in the year: 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 and 2021 He was the Chairman of Process committee of NSE council for 2018 and 2019 as well as the Vice Chairman of Process and Electromechanical Board of NSE Council;2018 ,2019. Engr. Dr. Rasheed Babalola was a member of the LOC for NSChE AGM, tagged KADA 2014. And adviser to LOC of KADA 2019.He has presented many technical papers at both Kaduna and Akwa-Cross chapter meetings. He has supervised over Fifty undergraduate student projects and currently supervising Three PhD, Three M. Eng and one PGD theses and Dissertation respectively. Dr. Babalola?s passion is in the areas of human capital development; he has facilitated industrial excursion for both postgraduate and undergraduate students of Akwa Ibom state University and University of Uyo, secure placement for industrial attachment for SIWES and NYSC. He encourages self-employment amongst young engineers by impacting in them his entrepreneurial knowledge in paint production, equipment design and fabrication, soap/detergent. Hand sanitizer making skills etc. As a result of these, He was awarded the HOD of the year by the Student Union Government of Akwa Ibom State University student. In the same vein, Dr Babalola was also awarded by the NUESA, Akwa Ibom State University chapter as the most impactful HOD of the faculty. Engr. Dr. Babalola has also served the Nigerian Society of Engineers at the National and Branchlavels; Elected Nationa Executive 2018 and 2019, ser Kaduna branch as Assistant Publicity Secretary, Publicity Secretary, Vice Chairman and as Chairman. Engr. Dr. Abdulrasheed BABALOLA has membership to many professional bodies such as Member, Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), Member, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Member Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers (NSChE), as well as a registered Engineer with Council for Regulation of Nigerian Engineers (COREN). He has over Forty Academic and Technical publications to his credit. He is happily married to Mrs Mojisola Tinuola Babalola with kids.
Research Area
Reaction Engineering kinetics, Catalysis, Nanotechnology
1. R. Babalola, V.E. Efeovbokhan, Y.O.Atiku, U.E.Usoro, M.A.Ibeh, E.E.Alagbe, J.A.Omoleye, O.G.Abatan (2021), Slurry-Phase Bioremidiation of Ogoni Land Crude Oil Contaminated Soil,International Conference on Engineering for Sustainable World (ICESW),IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, OPEN ACCESS1107 (2021) 012167.SCOPUS Indexed Journal
2. R. Babalola, Y. Atiku, U. Isaac, E. Udoetuk, U. Aniediong (2021), Assessment of Changes In Factors Affecting Bioremediation, APWEN Journal of Engineering, Science, and Technology, ISSN: 2714-2396, Volume 5, Issue 1.
3. A.A. Ayoola, G. Adeyemi , O. Raji , A. Babalola, (2021),The use of Waste Duck Eggshells for Sustainable Energy Production, Journal of Earth and Environmental Science, IOP Conference Series,OPEN ACCESS655 (2021) 012051.SCOPUS Indexed Journal
4. Vincent E. Efeovbokhan, Chukwuebuka C.Chibuzor, Rasheed Babalola, Olubunmi G. Abatan, Temitayo F. Oladimeji, (2021), Demulsification of a Nigerian crude emulsion using ethoxylated-resoles and their xylene modified blends, Journal of physics:Conference series, 1734(2021) 012025.SCOPUS Indexed journal
5. Augustine O.Ayeni, Micheal O. Daramola, Oluranti Agboola, Ayodeji A. Ayoola, Rasheed Babalola, Babalola A. Oni, Julius O. Omodara, DeinmaT. Dick (2020), A comparative evaluation of fermentable sugars production from oxidative, alkaline, alkaline peroxide oxidation, dilute acid and molten hydrate salt pretreatment of corn cob biomass, journal of energy:http:/www.aimspress.com/journal/energy, 9(1): 15-28. SCOPUS Indexed journal
6. A. A. Ayoola, F. K. Hymore, C. A. Omonhinmin, P.O. Babalola, O.S. I. Fayomi, O. C. Olawole, A. V. Olawepo, A. Babalola. (2020),Response surface methodology andartificial neural network analysis of crude palm kernel oil biodiesel production, journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/cdc,Chemical Data Collections28(2020) 100478. SCOPUS Indexed journal
7. Rasheed Babalola, Augustine O. Ayeni, Peter S. Joshua,Ayodeji A. Ayoola, Ukeme O. Isaac, Aniediong Moses Umo, Vincent E. Efeovbokhan. J. A Omoleye. (2020), Synthesis of thermal Insulator using chicken feather fibre in Starch-clay nanocomposites, Journal homepage: www.cell.com/heliyon, Open Access, (2020) 28452.SCOPUS Indexed journal.
8. A. A. Ayoola,F. K. Hymore, C. A. Omonhinmin, P.O. Babalola , E. O. Bolujo, G. A. Adeyemi, R. Babalola, O. A. Olafadehan. (2020), Data on artifial neural network and response surface methodology analysis of biodiesel, journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/dib,Data in Brief 31(2020) 105726. SCOPUS Indexed journal
9. E.O. Yusuf, V. E. Efeovbokhan and R. Babalola (2019), Development and Characterization of Zeolite A from Elefun Kaolin, International Conference on Engineering for Sustainable World, Journal of Physics,1378(2019)032016 doi:1088/1784265961/1378/3/032016. SCOPUS Indexed journal
10. V.E. Efeovbokhan, E.E. Alagbe, B. Odika, R. Babalola, T. F. Oladimeji, O.G. Abatan, E.O.Yusuf (2019),Preparation and characterization of activated carbon from plantain peel and coconut shell using biological activators, International Conference on Engineering for Sustainable World, Journal of Physics,1378(2019)032035 doi:1088/1784265961/1378/3/032035. SCOPUS Indexed journal
11. Etim Bassey, Babalola Rasheed, Aniediong Moses Umo and Centurion Itoro (2019), Debottlenecking of Atmospheric Crude Distillation Unit of a Niger Delta Refinery for Improved Heat Integration using Pinch Technology, American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) e-ISSN:2320-0847 p-ISSN:2320-0936, Vol-8, Issue-6, PP-192-198, www.ajer.org. SCOPUS Indexed journal
12. Ayoola A. Ayodeji, Igho E. Blessing, Babalola Rasheed, Ojewumi E. Modupe, Ogunbiyi Ajibola, Abatan G. Oluwabunmi1, and Fayomi S. Ojo, (2018), Production of Biodiesel from Soybean Oil Using Calcium Oxide and Cow Bone as Catalysts, American Scientific Publisher, Material Focus, Vol. PP 1- 7 (www.aspbs.com/mat), Thomson Reuters Indexed journal
13. Ayoola Ayodeji, Babalola Rasheed, Odunlami Olayemi, Adeeyo Opeyemi, Ajibola Abosede, Nnachortam Kingsley (2018), Assessment Of The Potential Emissions From Biodiesel Produced From Groundnut And Soybean Oils, Internationa Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET) –eSAT Journal,Vol :07 Issue : 05, pp 57 – 62, www.ijret.org, Indexed in Google Scholar
14. T.F. Adepoju, E. N. Udoetuk, B. E.Olatunbosun, I. A. Mayen, R. Babalola (2018), Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Optimization Procedure with Methanolysis of Waste oil as case study, South African Journal of Chemical Engineering, www.elsevier. SCOPUS Indexed journal
15. T.F. Adepoju, R. Babalola, B. E.Olatunbosun, I. A. Mayen, Ekanem (2018), Modelling and Optimization of Thevetia Peruviana oil biodiesel Synthesis using Brette Pearl Spar Mable as Heterogeneous base Catalyst: A Case of Minitab response Surface Vs Artificial Neural Network, ,HELIYON, www.evise.com,SCOPUS Indexed journal
16. Ayoola A. Ayodeji, Ojewumi E. Modupe, Babalola Rasheed, James M. Ayodele (2018), Data on CaO and eggshell catalysts used for biodiesel production, journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/dib,Data inBrief19(2018)1466–1473. SCOPUS Indexed journal
17. Vincent Enontiemonria Efeovbokhana, Joseph Denis Udonneb, Ayodedji Adedeji Ayoolaa, Oluwadara Temitayo Shogbamua, Rasheed Babalola (2017), A Study of the Effects of PenolicD-emulsifier Solutions in Xylene on the De-emulsification of a Nigerian Crude oil Emulsion, Journal of Applied Research and Technology, Volume 15, issue 2, April 2017, Pages 110-121, www.jart.ccardet.unam.mx.SCOPUS Indexed journal
18. Adeoye, J. B., Omoleye, J. A., Ojewumi, M. E. and Babalola, R. (2017), Synthesis of Zeolite Y from Kaolin Using Novel Method of Dealumination,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, Number 5 (2017) pp. 755-760, http://www.ripublication.com .SCOPUS Indexed journal
19. Babalola, R., Omoleye, J. A., Adefila, S. S., Hymore, F. K. and Ajayi, O.A., (2017) Analysis of Zeolitey From Nigerian Clay Vis-Avis Standard Grade, Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 8(6):229-232. SCOPUS Indexed journal
20. Babalola, R. Bassey, E. N, 3Brown, I. Land and 4Salahudeen, N. (2017), Identification of Kaolinite Clay in Five Local Government Areas of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria for Zeolite Synthesis as a Way of Import Substitution, Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 8(5):215-218. SCOPUS Indexed journal
21. Adepoju, T. F, Olatunbosun, B. E., Babalola, R, (2016), Co-digestion of Citrullus Lanatus Peels and Chicken Droppings for Methane (Biogas) Production and Its Statistical Analysis UsingLeast Square Method, International Journal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology ISSN: 2278-9359 (Volume-5, Issue-8), SCOPUS Indexed journal
22. Adepoju T.F, Babalola R, Olatunbosun B.E., August,2016), Thermophilic Anaerobic Co-digestion of an Alkali Treated Musa sapientum Plant Waste (MSPW) and Cattle Dung for Biogas Production and its Statistical Analysis: a Case of One Factor Response Surface Methodology (RSM), Chemistry Research Journal, 2016, 1(4):44-53, SCOPUS Indexed journal
23. AyoolaAyodeji, Efeovbokhan Vincent, Ayeni Augustine, Babalola Rasheed (May 2015), Proposed Model for the Determination of Biodiesel Cetane, Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technogy (IOSR- JESTFT), Vol 9, Issue 5, Ver 1, www.iosrjournals.org,Thomson Reuters Indexed journal
Conference Papers
1. R. Babalola and E. Inimfon (2021), Efficiency of Activated Periwinkle Char in the Recovery of Lead (Pb) from Industrial Wastewater using Fixed Bed Adsorption Process, Proceeding of International Conference of the Maiden Edition of Newviews in Engineering and Technology (ICNET) @ Faculty of Engineering, River State University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, 27th October,2021
2. C.N. Egwu, R. Babalola, T.H. Udoh and O.O.Esio (2021), Nanotechnology: Applications, Challenges and Prospects, proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Engineering(ACEBE 2021),@CEDS Building ,Covenant University, Ota, September 27 – 29, 2021
3. Rasheed Babalola, Y.M. Atiku, Isaac O. Ukeme, I. D. Duff (2020); Evaluation of Variations in Factors Affecting Bioremediation, Proceeding of The Association of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria (APWEN) National Conference @ 1, Engineering Close, Off Idowu Tailor Street Victoria Island Lagos, Nigeria, 22nd – 25th September 2020
4. Rasheed Babalola, Vincent E. Efeovbokhan, Yakubu M. Atiku., Usoro E. Usoro, Mayen A. Ibeh, Edith E. Alagbe (2020); Slurry-Phase Bioremediation of Ogoni land Crude Oil Contaminated Soil, Proceeding of 4th International Conference on Engineering for a Sustainable World (ICESW 2020) @Covenant University, Ota, 10th – 14th August, 2020
5. Rasheed Babalola and Peter S. Joshua (2019); “Synthesis of Thermal Insulator using Chicken Feather Fibre in Starch-Clay Nanocomposites” Proceeding of National Engineering Conference organized by Nigeria Society of Engineers, Kano 2019, De-afficent Centre, 3 MagajinRumfa Road, Nasarawa GRA, Kano, 2nd -6th December,2019
6. Babalola, R., Oboho E; Ayoola A; Bassey, E.N (2018); "Suitability of Developing Zeolite Y Catalyst from Ediko Clay, Nigeria” Proceeding of National Engineering Conference organized by Nigeria Society of Engineers, Abuja 2018, Chida Event Centre, Utako, Abuja, 20th – 24th, November, 2018
7. Babalola, R., Bassey, E. N, 3Brown, I. Land and 4Salahudeen, N., (2017), “Identification of Kaolinite Clay in Five Local Government Areas of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria for Zeolite Synthesis as a Way of Import Substitution” Proceeding of National Engineering Conference organized by Nigeria Society of Engineers, Abuja 2017, Chida Event Centre, Utako, Abuja, 20th – 24th, November, 2017
8. Nurudeen Salahudeen, Etim N. Bassey, Rasheed Babalola, Jaja M. Richard (2016), Characteristics of Iba Oku Clay and its Suitability for Synthesis of Alumina, Proceedings of 15th Annual International conference/ Nigerian Materials Congress (NIMACON 2016), 21st – 25th Nov. 2016.
9. Babalola R., Omoleye J.A., Adefila S.S., Hymore F.K. and Ajayi O.A., (May 11 13th 2015), Comparative Analysis of Zeolite Y From Nigeria Clay and Standard Grade,Convenant University International Conference on African Development Issues (CU-ICADI), Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria (May 11-13rd, 2015) http://.cu-icadi.convenantuniversity.ewu.ng
10. Babalola, R., Omoleye, J.A. and Hymore, F. K, (2015), “Development of Industrial Grade Zeolite Y from Nigeria clay”Proceedings of1st InternationalConference on Zeolite organized by Amadu Bello University, PTDF and NICZ, Abuja, Nigeria (10- 11th December, 2015). www.nicz.org.ng
11. Babalola, R., Omoleye, J.A. and Hymore, F. K, (2015), “Development of Industrial Grade Zeolite Y from Nigeria clay” Proceedings of National Engineering Conference organized by the Automotive Engineers Institute, Kaduna, Nigeria. www.autoei.org.ng
12. Ajakaye, O.N., Olugbenga A. G. and Babalola, R. (2010). “Bio-electrification of rural communities in eastern and southern parts of Nigeria using palm kannel oil (PKO) biodiesel as feed-stock”3rd international conference on development studies, University of Benin, Nigeria.
13. Babalola, R, Ajakaye,O.N. and Olugbenga A. G. “Design Of A Small-Scale Nickel Electroplating Plant For Entrepreneur Training In FUT, Minna, Nigeria” National Conference of Chemical Society of Nigeria (CSN), ABU Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria, 8 – 10th June, 2010
14. Ajakaye,O.N., Olugbenga A. G. and Babalola, R. (2008). “Groundnut Kerodiesel:An alternative Fuel for Compression ignition Engine in Africa” International conference on research development”, University of Ghana, ,Accra,Ghana. 25-28th November,2008